I would say that the file SetupBtwDownloadSE.exe hosted on the Broadcom site is a virus, not a Bluetooth driver update. Music folder, Pictures folder, Videos folder, Documents folder. Not only is my machine completely out of commission, but when I plugged the system hard drive into another machine to simply retrieve my data before having to do a complete new OS (and all programs) install, I found that the VAST MAJORITY of my data has been wiped clean. DO NOT install the Bluetooth driver/software update from Broadcom's website.

How in the world does a driver update ERASE YOUR DATA?! I am worried that I am not going to be able to recover some EXTREMELY important files that this "update" deleted from my Live Mesh folders (stupid me for thinking something "in the cloud" was safe -I thought because it was synced to three computers I was OK, but since those computers were all on when this happened, Mesh "synced" them by deleting all the files that were erased from my laptop). On top of this mess, the whole "deleting icons from the desktop" thing REALLY FUCKED ME, because it deleted files from my Microsoft Mesh environment. I am currently trying to repair via a restore point with my Windows 7 disk, but I'm pretty freaking unhappy about this. When I went to reboot, the machine told me I was fucked. So I canceled, and then the computer completely crapped out. The only two choices were find the file (that didn't exist) or cancel. I was offered no help and no alternatives. The popup dialog said I needed to verify that the file existed. An error popped up saying the install couldn't find the cab file it needed. I watched in horror as the icons from my desktop started disappearing.

Suddenly my machine seemed to be possessed. I decided to download and install the update from Broadcom's site.Įverything seemed to be going well, until. I was messing with syncing my Omnia to my laptop via Bluetooth, and my MSI Bluetooth dongle didn't seem to be working properly.