It is the most widely used distribution and is dependent on Debian and Ubuntu. There is always tough competition to be at the top place and the Linux Mint is not far behind. Apt the ability to control dependency issues and proficiently orphaned packages

Can be downloaded free from the official download page. The current stable distribution of Debian is version 11, codenamed bullseye. The Debian team has a longer work period, which allows them to fix most of the bugs before releasing a new version. The great thing about it is that it is user-friendly, lightweight, and compatible with other environments. On top of the list, Debian Linux is the most stable Linux distribution. In this article, we will list down the top 5 most stable Linux Distros carrying good support, repositories, updating regularly, quite easy to use, and durable. However, they are unable to fulfill numerous features like support and documentation. Out of these modifications, some of them are vital like Debian, roughly like a fork of a base distribution Arch, Ubuntu, and many others like Mint. It is quite common for the term “stable” to be used with Linux operating systems or with a distro, this is because of the accessibility of the modification like updating repositories according to user requirements.